Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Return of the King.

Members present: Return of once and future King of Lutz, Avi. Also present Brian, Bickford, and Danak. What are they grabbing at?

Today we talked about how our portfolio started diverging from the domestic market as a whole:
The problem seems to be that the international markets we've invested in have not performed as well as  the S&P 500, specifically SPY, the index fund where we have some shares. Some of our portfolio is kind of stagnating. SPY is going up, while everything else stays in place. In hindsight, it would have been better to just go big with SPY, but then we lack the buffer of diversification. If SPY started to really tank, we would be up a creek, as they say. 

Avi shared his portfolio strategy with us. Basically  he  places a high priority on dividends. In the future it might be a good idea to take a deeper look at some of his investments and evaluate how they might fit into the experiment we are attempting with this group. 

Additionally, it might be good to take a listen to this recent episode of Fresh Air about some of the details of 401Ks. 

Also, next week we should take a look at the pdf that Brian sent to the group about the market as a whole from a business perspective.We really should take a look at some of the Asian investment categories to find the best performers for investment. Finally, Avi promises to give us some pointers on business accounting, too! That should be interesting. 


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