Saturday, May 11, 2013

Excel tables... it's like I'm still at work.

Attendance:  Really?!  9am Mother's Day plans? Ha!

Tesla is doing very well.  This stock has been a group favorite for a while.  It appears that the auto that they've designed is getting good ratings and their stock is up.  Now, will people buy the car?  There are also some new transmission designs on the way from companies such as Ford to increase efficiency.  Mazda is pushing something fancy as well.  A fun discussion.

We also talked a bit about HTC's fall in the mobile sector.  They were once top tier, but now are falling below Samsung.  That company will be something to notice in the following chart:

Here are the four ETFs from last week.  AIA is fairly similar to AAXJ, but the latter has qualities that make it more desirable such as the lower exposure to Samsung and the more even geographic distribution.  AIA is out for now.  Comparing the other three stocks, there are positives and negatives to each.  They all have good spreads in terms of top holdings.  They all hit sectors that are not overweight in our portfolio.  CHIQ is especially good in this regard.  The 22% Japan isn't a deal breaker for MAPIX, but it is something to be wary of.  That ETF is very low risk and has a good return for its category.  Slighly high expense ratio, though.  AAXJ has some posities all around, but we'd like to bring up some other sectors in our portfolio.

Our current portfolio is doing well.  We're a few percentage off of the S&P 500, which is having a great year.  It still may be a good exercise to compare EWZ to other items in category.  EWZ is our only loser now and it has held fairly steady for the last year.

Next week we'll dive into the categories for our three remaining Asian stocks to find the best performers.


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