Saturday, May 19, 2012

On the Euro? Nope, we're on the Gryro?

Members present: Brian, Bickford, Danak

So Greece, what the Love, Greece? It seems uncertain as to how things are going to shake down. They are still in electoral limbo, and the market hates nothing more than uncertainty. So it's a wait and see, as temperatures rise, and markets fall. At least there's summer vacation for some of us.

But it's buy time, so we need to decide what it is we want to own pieces of. New Zealand is still on the table, in particular ENZL:

It looked like it is still going down a bit, so it might be a good thing to wait a while and see what it does.

And then there's helium, which doesn't sound as crazy as you think. Yes, it's the second most common element in the universe, but check this video out.

Ugh, Brazil, just ugh:


AT&T: Doing the best of the lot. 

For next week:
1. No Bickford
2. Brian and Danak will look into New Zealand, like, for real this time.
3. Brian will be working on a Bonds presentation for the following week.


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