Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's pronounced "tin"

Members present: Brian, Yousef

We have been trying to decide about ENZL, the New Zealand ETF.

Their currency is currently low against the dollar. We have learned that China's "cheap" currency means that they can increase their exports. This is because other nations get a favorable rate with their money, and the idea is that those countries will buy more stuff with their more powerful money. This is because a good will seem cheaper than in the home country. The question then becomes, is this the same with NZ? We took a look at the holdings of the fund, but that didn't really tell us about the economy as a whole. Then, we found this nifty Tree map of their exports:

You can see that New Zealand's exports are largely agricultural. Interesting fun fact: February is a big month for apples (and presumably kiwis?)--there's that whole Southern Hemisphere flipping of the seasons. So does this mean that we should invest? Not yet. Tune in next week as we further solve the Mystery of the Mysterious Winter Kiwi. 

And the other charts: 

Ick. Brazil. Maybe we should create an automatic sell.



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