Saturday, February 4, 2012

KOL Finance Meetings Minutes 02 04 12 I want to buy the world a COLA.

Members present: 

Brian noticed that his transit rates went up this month, canceling out saving a whole bunch on his cable bill a few weeks ago. Additionally, a tax incentive for mass transit in Chicago was recently scaled back. At the risk of going down the rabbit hole of cantankerousness, you should care about this because it highlights the real nature of inflation. Raises are an exciting concept, but it seems like they should be viewed as essential merely to maintain one's current standard of living. Isn't this where COLA was supposed to come in? 

So let's look at the charts:
ATT: It is still stable, which is good. Keep those dividends coming. The price has been above the 200 DMA for quite a while, which shows that this thing isn't falling apart right now, which is nice. 

EWZ: We are currently above the 200 DMA, but that is not great news since the price has been in the toilet. We are about to approach our buy price, which takes the sting of the last few months off a little. It is probably best to just wait and see on this one. 

SPY: The 50 DMA has crossed the 200 DMA. It is near its peak, which is kind of cool. Does this mean we should get out? 

For next week: 

We should talk about tax stuff, do tax stuff, and maybe talk about the jobs report. 

Until next week, 


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