Saturday, February 11, 2012


Members present: Brian, Bickford, Yousef

We have been meaning to talk about the jobs report, so we took a look at Wikipedia. However, the thing we really wanted to know was what is considered a "good" unemployment number. A few of us seem to remember that 4% is considered healthy, and we are hanging out at about 8%, so no good. Better, but no good.

Bickford wants to refinance his mortgage to a 15 year from a 30 year, saving him about $70K over the lifetime of the loan. There would be some upfront money (paying down the loan so the house is not upside down). He would have to put up about $15K now, and he decided it would be a good idea to see what his rate of return would be. He figures that he couldn't make that initial investment into anything more than he would save by refinancing, so he is going to go with it. Even though he is not actually making any money on the deal, he will owe less which in the wash is a net gain.

Midweek, Brian and I had resumed our periodic conversation and fascination with the McRib. Apparently the comings and goings may have something to do with the price of pork trimmings. As it rises, the McRib recedes back into the sunset.  The Wikipedia article also suggests that the sandwich is a possible loss leader, and McDonalds has a very intriguing series of promotional campaigns, or "farewell tours" to herald the glories of the reconstituted bone patty.

Interesting, indeed. And here's something interesting about the history of the invention of the McRib.

And now the charts:

SPY is still looking up.

EWZ is getting better, but still not great. 

AT&T dividends ho!

 We should probably get on the stick with Scottrade and figure out the tax situation with our investments. None of our buys have been sold, so we are pretty sure that there is no gain/loss to figure in the tax picture. There is tell of a 1099 DIV (dividends form) to potential quest for.

For next week:

Maybe someone will do his taxes.


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