Saturday, June 10, 2017


Brexit? Apparently the Brits don't know much about it either. As far us as though, we'll have to wait and see. We're not so Euro-centric in our portfolio, so it probably won't have too much of an impact on our buying.

Infosys is in executive free fall. The founder and the board have been fighting over how the company has been run, but it doesn't seem to be tanking the stock price so who knows? We still have not triggered our auto sell, order (which had to be re-upped).

And EWZ, you are always on our minds:
You want out now?  No... Ok...
This chart shows EWZ's continued descent into the toilet or right where it was in 2009. Unfortunately we bought it when it was in the 70s.

Here you can see the up and down a little more zoomed-in. There is still movement on it, but it is beyond us as to what that might mean. Basically, there's a lot of theory that drives how people analyze movement on stuff. These tools are "more for short term trading looking for hyper volatile instruments," says a friend of ours who knows about these things. There a bit of risk, because it "comes down to timing as opposed to valuation fundamentals" he goes on to say.

More for short term trading looking for hyper volatile instruments. I'm not a big fan because it comes down to timing as opposed to valuation fundamentals

As far as a buy, if we like the idea of SPY, there are a few dividend options for something related. We like stability, and we like dividends. We like stable dividends.


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