Saturday, March 7, 2015

Buy all the things

We are interested in buying some healthcare and consumer discretionary sector ETFs, however SPY has been on the rise for a long time. Is now the right time to buy funds from those sectors? Those two are part of SPY. We have to figure out if we are comfortable with the idea that SPY, which has been meteoric lately, will continue to go up, up , up.

We will probably go with the Vanguard products for each.

One of our members is currently house-hunting, and he found that the house he was considering was way-overpriced. Even if he wanted to purchase the home, it would be difficult getting approved for a loan, because that would effect the loan to value ratio (LTV). Generally you want your LTV to be 80% or less, so you can avoid paying PMI (more information here). This is another reason why you want a solid down payment of around 20%. This is, of course, not necessary, and you can still make a purchase with as little as 3.5% down, which we talked a little bit about last week.


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