Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dividend Bonus! Maybe we can put in that pool we always wanted.

The group discussed how we had a little love for Microsoft  which has become a bit of an underdog, compared to Google.  They may not quite be out of the tablet business and Bing is kind enough to point towards our member's science blog (Citizenship In Science).  Take a look.

(T) - ATT is down almost to the price where we bought it.  SigFig linked to a few interesting articles, one of which stated that T-Mobile is seeing a large increase in subscribers.  Another article talked about a price war in the US mobile market which may impact profits for all carriers.  Again, we realize that we purchased this for the dividends.

Where are our dividends anyways?  After a little bit of research, apparently they came back as cash.  We had wondered this for a while, but finally took the time to research.  Our portfolio is up a bit more than we previously thought.  We're up 14% rather than the 8% we thought we were based on equity purchases.  That's wonderful!

Extra Profit!

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