Saturday, June 1, 2013

Things are rough all over, Ponyboy.

Members present: Brian, Bickford, Danak

Everything we have in our portfolio is down, but then again markets in general are down. That's good, right?

We read another article from JP Morgan Chase, and while interesting, it didn't seem particularly useful for us. We will have to continue skimming through these for relevant bits of analysis.

Finally, we took  a look at some more of the Asian funds, comparing MAPIX and AAXJ to theircategory as a whole (Diversified Pacific/Asia, according to Morningstar). Morningstar only provided information on total return. We want something that does well in general, but maybe hasn't done so hot recently. The idea is to catch it on the upswing, which may be risky, or yield-y. Both funds seem pretty good, but we need to take a closer look at some of the cons of each of these funds, in order to see what may be better in the same category. This would directly address our concerns with investing in something. As usual, further study is required.

For next week, we will take a closer look and identify our concerns with MAPIZ and AAXJ. Then we will try to find some other funds in the category that address those concerns.


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