Saturday, March 9, 2013

Honeymarket Don't Even Care!

Members present: Brian, Bickford, Danak...set for global domination. 
Sequester? What sequester?

Last week the gang decided that it was important to make sure that our portfolio is staying diverse. We will become a little heavier in Telecom and Energy with the Norway buy. The next step is to seek out something different.

We looked at gold because we don't have any exposure to commodities, but it had a slight drop in 2009 and it was really cheap in 2005. However, it is up up up, and it doesn't seem like the right time to get in on this. Next, we decided to look into Africa in our quest to have a foothold on the entire Risk map.

In this article about some Africa ETFs there is a case made for investing in the continent while avoiding mining and oil. This might be a nice jumping-off point for some potential investments. We'd like to take a look at the makeup of some of the ETFs on the list.

EZA (South Africa index)
NAFAX (Nile Pan-Africa Fund)
WAFMX (Wasatch Frontier Emerging Small Countries Fund)

Next week we should do that


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