Saturday, December 15, 2012

Yousef forgets to write the minutes [insert joke here]

We started talking about retirement, and some among us are less inclined to crunch the numbers for fear of realizing they will be absolutely destitute, so we crunched some numbers. Here's the take-away:

A pension plan is a stable option, if you can secure one. However, it hinges on the idea of not leaving that job before retirement. If you do go with a pension plan, you need to take the few minutes to look at the calculations of your benefit. It is not as painful as you think...promise. Also to consider, is what happens should you leave and take on another job.


SPY is still doing well, still above the [rising] DMA.
ATT is doing okay, even if a little down--still getting dividends.
ENZL is still going up.
EWZ is still doing it's crap self.

What to buy next?


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