Saturday, October 13, 2012

The gang pulls their credit!

Members present: Brian, Bickford, Yousef
AT&T dropped about $2 (approx. 7%) in the past five days. What happened? They paid out a dividend and then it dropped.

EWZ: This ETF is still sucking it up.

SPY had the same big dip in the last few days. What's going on?

After the Presidential debate, there was a comment made on Marketplace that defense stocks bumped up and healthcare stocks swung down as a result of Mitten's strong performance. Interesting.

We pulled our government-mandated free credit report (sans credit score) from
to get an overview of our credit histories. You should do this ever so often. You want to look for anything that shouldn't be there, accounts, debt, etc.

You get to choose from the three major credit-reporting agencies Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Apparently it randomizes the list on the screen when it asks you to choose which report you get to view. Each of us got a different order--hooray randomness!

For next week:

Video games!

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