Saturday, September 8, 2012

Exit, Stage Left.

Exit strategy.

There has been a decent amount of talk lately that the stock market is getting ready to hit an all-time high and that the fundamentals of the US are still not good.  One of the group's friends thinks that the market will crash sometime soon.  The largest DOW number was right around 14,000 in October of 2007.  Today the Dow is  13,306, so we are floating around there.

We were again talking about an idea of not buying things that are too stable with no bonuses.  We didn't realize that ENZL actually drops a pretty nice dividend.  That's a lucky break.  If you would have held it this entire year, you would have received a

Dividends can potentially be a red flag.  If a company is increasing their dividend, there must be some reason.  The company may desperately need cash, not a positive.  It'll work to pull people in.  The company could end up being on the hook to pay a large amount of money.  Doing a one-time large dividend to attract and then don't follow up, people could all run away again.

We bought T for the dividend.  There should be a new one next month.  We've been getting a good increase in stock value out of the company.  Since they are quite regular, people will leave if they skip a dividend and the value will plummet.

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