Saturday, June 23, 2012

Buy low, sell high...Buy HILO?

Members present: Brian, Bickford, Danak

Overall we are down 1.7% in our admittedly meager portfolio. This is despite EWZ, our Brazil fund, being 32% below our purchase price. This is truly where diversity is paying off.

Speaking of diversity, it is buy time again, and we're still having trouble finding something that works. Brian was thinking about HILO, a low volatility fund centering around emerging markets.

Looking at the chart, things don't appear good. This seems to have all the not volatility of a wooden roller-coaster, but if you look at the scale, you'll notice that things are swinging between a low of about $16.50 and a high of about $21.

Here's HILO's holdings by sector:

The subject of dividends came up again, and we were trying to understand the implications when a company offers dividends. You take a company like AT&T, that has been around forever (in some form or another). They are probably not going to display gangbusters growth, so dividends can be looked at as a way of enticing investors, thus gaining capital for the company.

*There's a nice discussion, here.

And then there's Norway:

It is still trending down, but has it hit bottom? If we can catch it at the right time, it might be our next buy. 
Here's their holdings, by sector again:

New Zealand is also a prospect:

ENZL, the Kiwi fund.

Here's their holdings by sector:

Random charts:

SPY: Humming along.

AT&T: Have you called your mother recently? Judging by the share price, you have. Thanks.

For next week:

We really need to figure out the next buy.


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