Saturday, May 26, 2012


Members present: Brian, Yousef
ENZL: Today's main event, is New Zealand worth investing in?

Brian found a nifty journal of economic events for ENZL from Seeking Aplha. The information is a little overwhelming but it paints a picture about events in the country and the region, and the effect they have on the ENZL fund.

As a side note, this led to a discussion on the consumer price index (CPI). Basically, it is an index of what things cost consumers over time. A large rise in CPI during a short period means inflation and a large drop in a short period means deflation. Check this video out for a fancier explanation.

But then again, where does one start researching, and what might make the decision?

By the way New Zealand has a relatively low debt-to-GDP ratio (hanging around 33%, according to this).

Then there's this article (also from Seeking Alpha), which says some interesting things about how NZ is looking good. But then you look at the comments and it's like trying to buy a vacuum on amazon all over again.

Random charts:

Ick, Brazil, Ick. 

SPY. Okay. 

American Telegraph & Dividend Company

Next week, we take a look at Norway and its fisheries.


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