Saturday, March 3, 2012

[Not so] little white lies.

Members present: Brian, Bickford, Yousef

Bickford continues to attempt a rogue re-fi of his home. Things were going slowly, when he had the inspiration that it might be a good idea to threaten to "walk away from his house." This little bit of theatrics netted him a 0.625% lower rate. This will save him about $37 a month, which will definitely add up over the lifetime of the loan. 

EWZ: The 50-DMA is rising, indicating more recent improvement, however the 200-DMA is only leveling out. This gives us some perspective on the more long-term history. Things, however, appear to be getting better.

SPY: Things are kind of the same, trend-wise, as EWZ. The 50-DMA is up, while the 200-DMA is lagging. That said, we are hovering around a price of about $137 a share (bought at $119).

AT&T: Solid as a rock. 

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