Saturday, September 27, 2014

Back in the Saddle

Screen capture of our dividend yield for the last few quarters.
Our dividends are deposited as cash into our account.  We haven't done the best job of tracking our dividends, so we thought we'd take a little time to do that.  The graphic to the left is from SigFig and shows us our total dividends for the past year along with the projected dividend for the next quarter.  Hovering over each on the site allows us to see the breakdown of which funds/stocks have paid us.  Each holding has a yield for the year, so we're going to take a look at the totals year-to-date.

SymbolTotal YTDYield (expected 2014)Yield YTD

We'll have to wait to see if quarter 4 brings us to where we expected to be.  Sigfig expects that 5 of 7 funds will pay dividends in the 4th quarter.  NORW and ENZL are done for the year.  NORW is pretty dead on where it is supposed to be, but ENZL is about half of where it should be.  We'll have to look into why that is the case.  Next week we should examine this all a little more thoroughly.

We are going to take at look at this crazy-bananas site next week as well. It has all sorts of financial visualizations.


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