Saturday, March 10, 2018

Alternative Energy ETFs

This is a sound investment, right?

Investopedia gave us a good list of some Alternative Energy ETFs.

These are the five we're looking at:

  • TAN
  • PBW
  • QCLN
  • GEX
  • ICLN

In choosing, here's our current checklist of things to consider:

  • What is the expense ratio?
  • What are the top holdings? 
  • What are the sector weightings? 
  • What is the yield? 

Also how directly are we looking at renewable energy vs. things that are associated with renewable energy?

We have five funds, so how do we knock two to three out?

GEX is out--the volume is too low, which could make selling it difficult down the road.
QCLN is out because it's a pain to deal with in Morningstar. Petty perhaps, but we will need to be able to look it up and deal with it. Also, we're really indecisive, so getting something else checked off is a good one.

That leaves three remaining (TAN, PBW, and ICLN).

ICLN is pretty international, which might be cool for global diversity.

But that's neither here Nora there. The main thing is that we need to narrow it down to one, and maybe even buy that.


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