Saturday, March 18, 2017

Magic 8-Ball, or we also know there are known unknowns

There are two types of people in this world. The shakers and the spinners. You know, you have the magic 8 ball, and you need some answers. You think on it. Eat, pray, love on it, and ask your question. And either you're an animal who shakes the thing, making those weird inky bubbles appear that never seem to leave. Or--or you're a careful spinner. You rotate the soothsaying globe, and you get an unsatisfying answer, and you like it. What I'm saying is nobody knows anything, and we're a bunch of nobodys.

Here's the nothing we don't know:

  • Weirdly EWZ is up. This is significant because we've lost so much money on it. At this point, we might as well stick with it. This is another case of how you can't predict the future. Like never. 

  • So we've got all this healthcare craziness, and we're holding a healthcare ETF. This would be where we make wild predictions and big decisions. Instead, we're going to wait and see, as is our way. 

  • There's a lot of craziness going on with Infosys, but it doesn't seem to be impacting the stock negatively. In fact, it's up. 

So I guess we're just buying more SPY.

Next week, a portfolio check and maybe a decision on Infosys, etc.

Thanks Magic 8-Ball.


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