Saturday, January 23, 2016

Lose, Lose, or Draw

2015 was a very difficult year to make money. It seems like everyone lost money. Hey man, even Warren Buffet was losing. So bully for us!

EWZ is down to $13 or so. This means that things that go down, don't necessary go up. At this point, there's no reason to get rid of it since it is worth so little. Of course it totally burns that we lost like 80% of the value of it. What are you going to do?

At some point in time, we should look at our losses on EWZ, should we decide to sell it. We might be able to use it as a buffer if we decide to offset the gain on a profitable investment. We should probably try to sell something, too.

We have been absent from really paying attention to our finance club or our portfolio on account of life and the holidays and general laziness. However, we really would like to come up with a goal and a game plan for 2016.

We could try something really risky, like penny stocks. As always, we are ready to do a buy, with some left over. We could go with a solid, real buy, and then use the leftovers to go with something more risky (OTC, pink slips*).

*As we understand them (with the caveat that we have done absolutely no research):

OTC is basically a side-market where there is more private trading.

Pink slips are unreported stocks. They are publicly traded, but they don't have to report anything to the SEC. This means that you don't really know anything about the company. High risk/high reward. Too scary!


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