Saturday, September 12, 2015


EWE is not one of the funds we're considering

Since AAIT (general Asia infotech) is no longer active, we can narrow our choice down to:

EWY--South Korean ETF
EWT--Taiwan ETF
VGT--Vanguard infotech ETF

Although EWY and EWT are country funds, they both are heavy in infotech and financials, because those are the major exports of each country. Here's the sector breakdown of each:

Ticker ExpenseYieldRisk Vs CategoryCurrent PriceTop SectorsTop Companies
EWT0.62.14%Low13.64Info Tech - 52%
Financial - 17%
Taiwan Semi - 20%
Hon Hai - 6%
EWY0.621.38%N/A48.58Info Tech - 36%
Consumer Cyc - 16%
Finance - 14%
Industrials - 13%
Samsung - 22%
Hyundai - 6%
VGT0.121.14%Average103.08Tech - 88%
Financial - 5%
Apple - 16.8%
Microsoft - 8.1%

VGT looks like it has been the most stable overall. When there was a dip in October, VGT is the one that bounced back the most. Our strategy is to lean toward the most down of the three in the hopes of getting something on the upswing.

As an aside, we've been looking at EWT and EWY for quite some time.

We looked at how each would effect our portfolio balancing. We are about 4% for both infotech and discretionary. You can see in the chart above how they would effect our balance. As far as sector weighting is concerned, this leans us toward EWY because it also has some consumer cyclical, which we are low on. It won't unbalance us as much. If we're looking for balance, this will just leave us short on energy and industrials.

If we are wanting to be more balanced and we want the stock that's suffered the most in the last year, EWY is a winner. Apparently we're crazy about EW things.


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