Saturday, May 30, 2015

Time to make a buy

If it's good enough for TS, it's good enough for me. 

We are really risk-averse, which means that making a buy is something that we just sit and wait on. It's been a year or so since we've made a purchase. At our current savings rate, we get three buys a year, or a buy every four or so months. So that means it's decision time. In order to just make a decision, we are going to go with something safe, like a sector fund or maybe even another round of SPY.

The American economy has been doing well and growing fast, so naturally that makes us skeptical about just getting some more SPY. The next approach would be a sector fund. One strategy is to look for a sector that we think is underperforming. After looking at a variety of Vanguard sector funds (we've been happy with their management costs), we decided that we're going to go with a combination of a few funds.

We compared all of the funds in Google finance. We decided to pick the highest fund, VHT, because we think it might have a little more room. The lowest fund, VDE, an energy ETF consists of mostly oil, so we're skipping on that one. The next next lowest recent performing fund is a materials ETF, VAW, and we're going to give it a shot because it's the lowest performing and the rationale is that there should be growth. Finally, we are lowest on real estate in our portfolio, so we're going to give VNQ a spin, because it recently had a drop that we think will come up. As always we're hedging our bets. This will probably mitigate any big movements either up or down, but that is consistent with our long-term strategy.


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